The Rev. Dr. Lauren Winner

Vicar Lauren is a writer and reader and teacher; when she’s not at St Joe’s, you can find her in the classroom at Duke, where she is Associate Professor of Christian Spirituality, or at her desk, where she might be reading or writing about overlooked biblical images of God or the history of Christian prayer; or in her kitchen, where she might be following a recipe from the newest issue of Milk Street. Vicar Lauren’s regularly teaches at the North Carolina Correctional Institute for Women; if you’d like to join her in visiting the women there, please let her know. Vicar Lauren looks forward to praying with you, loving the neighbor with you, and conversing with you about all manner of topics, not least your life with God.

The Rev. Lachlan Hassman

Associate Vicar

Lachlan is a PhD student in Art and Architectural History at Duke. He first came to Durham — and St. Joe’s — in the Summer of 2021 to study at Duke Divinity School. He joined St. Joe’s staff in September of 2022.

At St. Joe’s, Lachlan ministers to our Breakfast Community. (Learn more about St. Joe’s breakfast ministry here). He also works closely with the Vicar to plan our worship services and provide pastoral care. Lachlan was ordained on Monday, September 29, on the Feast of St. Michael and All Angels at St. Joe’s.

Before beginning at Duke, Lachlan studied Architectural History and Middle Eastern languages and culture at the University of Virginia. In another life, he might have been a semitic-language philologist or a shepherd of dairy sheep. His current academic interests include sacred space, architectural history and adaptive reuse. He is a member of the board of the Historical Society of The Episcopal Church.

In his free time, you might find Lachlan taking care of his chickens and a very demanding cat. He also bakes, gardens, and builds large bookshelves for professors with impulse control issues.

The Venerable Jan Lamb

Jan Lamb was ordained to the Diaconate in 2006. She has served at St. Luke’s Durham, Episcopal Campus Ministry Raleigh, Saint Andrews Haw River, and as the bishop’s chaplain. She currently serves as Archdeacon of the diocese and sits on the Commission on Ministry for the Diaconate. 

Jan holds a BA from Millsaps College in Jackson, Mississippi, and a MA from the University of Texas at Austin. Until her retirement in 2017, she taught students with special needs in Mississippi and at the Hill Learning Center in Durham.

She has two sons, John (Caroline) and Michael and two granddaughters, Ruth and Saro.

The Rev. Kelly Ryan
Deacon and Children’s Minister

Kelly has been part of the St. Joe’s community since fall 2022, when she began an internship as part of the ordination process. Kelly, who is trained as a catechist in the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd program, has served as the children’s minister since January 2023. Now as a deacon, Kelly will continue to serve at St. Joe’s and will also help the Bishops’ Office to equip congregations across the diocese in family and children’s ministry. Kelly also serves the diocese as a member of the reparations and restitution committee.

In her day job, Kelly works to strengthen the communication capacity of Lilly Endowment grantees in religion through the Evaluation and Communications Project at the Indianapolis Center for Congregations. From 2020 through June 2023, she facilitated a learning community of grantees as the director of the Thriving Congregations Coordination Program. Prior to that, she spent 12 years as senior director of communications for Leadership Education at Duke Divinity, overseeing its online learning resource Faith & Leadership, after working as a communications strategist and newspaper reporter. She has a Master of Divinity from Duke Divinity School.

Kelly is happiest when she is binge-watching TV with her teenage son, playing make-believe or games with her niece, asking questions, writing, accompanying people discerning vocation, visiting Bald Head Island, and wondering about God with children.

Deacon Kelly, Fr. Lachlan, and Deacon Jan

The Rev. Miriam Saxon

Priest Associate

Miriam is delighted to serve as the Priest Associate at St. Joseph. She and her husband John, a retired Unitarian Universalist minister, have lived in Hillsborough since she enrolled in a Public Policy masters program at Duke in the 1980’s. She has three masters degrees: one in criminology from Florida State University when she thought she would pursue a doctorate in that field but changed her mind; then her public policy degree that got her a fabulous job with the NC court system; and she finally earned her MDiv at Duke in 2007.

She was ordained by Bishop Michael Curry in 2007. Until her retirement in 2023, she worked as a bivocational priest, serving as an associate rector at Church of the Good Shepherd in Raleigh and then as the vicar of St. Andrew’s in Haw River, and as a Hospice chaplain for Duke and then for another nonprofit Hospice in Alamance County.

In December of 2024 she will complete six years of service on Diocesan Council (which is essentially the diocesan version of a vestry), and she continues as the chair of our diocese’s Botswana Companion Link Committee, working to strengthen our relationships with our sisters and brothers in Botswana.

Hannah Flack
Parish Administrator

A lifelong Episcopalian and native of Jacksonville, FL, Hannah moved to Durham in August 2021 to start her M. Div. at Duke Divinity School. Before Duke, Hannah studied English & Spanish at Wofford College and served as the Director of Youth Ministry for 5 years at Christ Church Episcopal in Greenville, SC where she loved planning youth retreats and driving the 15 passenger mini bus.

In her day jobs, Hannah is the Minister for Intergenerational Ministries at an Episcopal church (designing creative programming and events for all ages) and the Parish Administrator at St. Joe’s (assembling and organizing information and people).

In her free time, you might find Hannah in a lab studying anatomy and physiology, walking her golden retriever Bennett, attending concerts, bulk buying supplies at Costco, hosting friends for appetizers, and adding items she has already done to her to-do list so that she can check them off.

Cambria Storms
Organist & Music Director

Cambria Storms is a musician and visual artist living, making, practicing, and performing in Durham. She's played the piano since before she can remember, and the pipe organ for almost as long performing with various instrumentalists, ensembles, choirs, vocalists, and collaborating with other multidisciplinary artists. Cambria's passion for the pipe organ has taken her to St. James Episcopal Church, West End United Methodist Church, St. Philip's Anglican Church, Trinity Episcopal Church and home to St. Joseph's. She also currently serves on the board for the Durham-Chapel Hill Chapter of the American Guild of Organists. When she's not on the organ bench, you can find her walking with her dog Blue along the Eno River, deejaying on a rooftop, or volunteering to pick up trash around town. Cambria gets the most excited about discussing poetry, photography, dance, and sharing in the glory of the liturgy at St. Joseph’s.

Katherine Johnson

Breakfast Associate

Katherine moved to Durham in August 2023, and joined the St Joe’s community a few months later. In addition to her involvement in the Breakfast Ministry, Katherine is a regular at the Sunday evening worship services and participates in the St. Joe’s Prison Ministry. Outside of her work at Breakfast, Katherine is currently Organ Scholar at Duke Chapel, where you can often find her practicing and rehearsing with the Duke choirs. Katherine studied Organ Performance and English at Oberlin and has been working in church music since high school. She enjoys exploring the relationships between music, ministry, and community. When she’s not at St Joe’s or Duke, Katherine loves to read and spend time outdoors. 

Isaac Lund Breakfast Associate & Sexton

The Vestry

The vestry are elected representatives of the parish. The basic responsibilities of the vestry are to help define and articulate the mission of the congregation; to support the church’s mission by word and deed, to select the vicar, to ensure effective organization and planning, and to manage resources and finances.

James Chappel, Senior Warden

Issac Lund, Junior Warden

Elliot Krause, Treasurer

Lauren Norton, Clerk

Paul Siceloff

Joel Marcus

Brooke Olmstead

Jonathan Jones

George Brine

Annalise Straw

Sarah Neff