Children are welcome to participate in all aspects of life at St. Joe’s. Through a variety of activities, children will deepen their relationship with God, explore stories about our faith, ask questions, try various prayer practices, learn about our liturgy, experience God’s love in community, and wonder how to respond to God’s abundant gifts.

A typical Sunday morning looks something like this:

  • Families drop off children of all ages at 10:15 am at the Children’s Chapel in the Parish Hall for an hour of formation influenced by both Catechesis of the Good Shepherd and Godly Play. Children will engage in group conversations about scripture, sacraments, prayer and other topics and also have time to work independently with hands-on materials God is calling them to explore. That might include setting the prayer table, putting together a liturgical calendar puzzle or illustrating booklets about the gestures of the Eucharist.

  • The children’s spaces are staffed by children’s ministers who have training in Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, American Red Cross CPR best practices and The Episcopal Church’s Safe Church modules.

  • Children are shepherded to the sanctuary around 11:15 am to join their families in the pews for the Eucharist. They are provided worship bags that help them to explore the day’s readings, pray and participate in communion.

  • Children under 3 may go to the nursery, which shares the children’s chapel space in the Parish Hall. There, children will have access to age-appropriate stories, art, activities and nut-free snacks. The nursery is open from 10a.m. until the service concludes. Children under 3 must be signed in and out of the nursery by a caregiver.

  • Children are always welcome to attend the entire worship service if they prefer to remain in the sanctuary with their families. Rocking chairs are available in the back of the sanctuary for families with especially young children, as well as anyone else seeking comfort.

  • We also plan special events for children and all ages, including a family Holy Week service and a family Christmas Eve liturgy.

The children’s spaces are staffed by a children’s minister and a nursery worker, both of whom have completed American Red Cross CPR training and the Episcopal Church’s Safe Church training.

The doors to the children’s chapel and nursery are open from 10 am until the conclusion of the service if you wish to observe, need a quiet space to care for your child or want to use supplies, such as the changing table stocked with diapers, wipes, bottles, and a first aid kit.