We share breakfast Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 8:00 AM with anyone who wants to join. Volunteers serve casseroles, grits, eggs, sausage and coffee in the Parish House. Coffee hour begins at 7:00 AM and the meal begins at 8:00 AM.

Each Wednesday morning, Fresh Start Durham brings a shower trailer to St. Joseph’s to provide free showers to those who may not have this basic amenity.

Our breakfast community includes workers on Ninth Street, students, unhoused people in West Durham and anyone else who wants to join us. Our breakfast community developed a covenant that spells out our principles and practices of care and respect for one another and for the church property. This is one way in which we seek to respect the dignity of every person and enrich the relationship among volunteers, breakfasters and the Durham Community.

Members of St. Joseph’s and other local congregations bake casseroles at home and bring them to the church. Other donations of breakfast foods (as well as monetary donations) to support the ministry are appreciated. For information about cooking, eating, or contributing to breakfast, contact Countess Authement (breakfast@stjosephsdurham.org).

It costs approximately $187 to host breakfast for one day. This increase in cost is due to our significant increase in the number of people we feed daily. If you would like to support our breakfast ministry financially, donate here; mail a check to St. Joe’s 1902 West Main St. Durham, NC, 27705; or venmo @StJoesDurham.
All are also welcome to join for Morning Prayer preceding breakfast at 8:15 AM on those days.